Jason says "read this blog!"
Just when I'm about to sign the DNR papers for this blog something comes along and inspires me to write another post. One of these days Jason Segel will come to his senses and beg me to befriend him. I just hope he isn't waiting to see the 365th reason. It may take years.

365 Reasons Why...An Explanation

Well, hello there (said in a very sexy voice). You're looking quite lovely today. Welcome to my blog. Feel free to take off your shoes and get comfortable, maybe leave a comment or two. This started out as kind of a funny thing to do after I blew a phone conversation with Jason, but I've found I really enjoy writing every day and researching new and interesting things about my future BFF. In January I met Jason at a comedy club and the few words we shared only reinforced my belief that he and I would get along famously. As a dear friend of mine recently said, "why wouldn't he want to be friends with you - you're awesome!" Perhaps the 365 reasons in this blog may just convince Jason of what I already know to be true: separately, our awesomeness is great; combined, it may be enough to take over the world. If you want to be one of my esteemed followers, simply click on the 'follow' button toward the bottom of the page. Come on, you know you want to.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Reason 144

Compromising positions. Oh. My. God. Becky, look at her butt! I cannot lie, I am well-endowed when it comes to the junk in my trunk. As a chubby gal, a plump rump is part of the package. Since I know I am all kinds of curvy and am perfectly comfortable with that, I will never, ever ask you, Jason, if I my butt looks big in my jeans. There's no need for you to break out in a sweat over a question that has no satisfactory answer. If you do tell me my butt looks big, I may throw something at your head, and if you tell me my denim looks great when it's really crossing over into mom jeans territory, you aren't much of a friend for letting me waltz out the door looking like crap. Besides, I own a mirror or two and can quite easily tell if my pants or dress or shorts don't do my body justice. Now that I think about it, not once in my life have I heard a real woman ask someone if her jeans make her butt look big. Perhaps during the advent of celluloid some silent movie star pantomimed "Does this bustle make my derriere conspicuous?" and it was all downhill from there, a question that would be recycled in film after film for years to come, instilling fear into the hearts of men everywhere. Well, Jason, whether mythical or not, I promise the loaded question will never trip from my lips in your presence (or anyone else's for that matter). In fact, I will try not to inquire about anything that could be a potential emotional minefield. Besides, I stand firmly in the Queen camp when it comes to my tush - fat-bottomed girls truly do make the rockin' world go 'round.

1 comment:

  1. Three words.... "Baby Got Back!"

    Rump shaker... do your thang!
