Poker. Apparently, I don't know when to hold 'em or when to fold 'em. I am a crappy poker player, which means if we played together you would almost be guaranteed to win some of my hard-earned moolah. For the past three years or so I have gotten together with a motley group of poker friends every few months and, without fail, I return home with either nothing or a measley dollar or two in my pocket. We played last night and I didn't win a hand for over an hour, returning home with a whopping $4. Fortunately, there is only a ten dollar buy in, so a few hours with these card sharks doesn't break the bank, but I would still like to know what victory tastes like. If you are ever in town and want to play a little Texas Hold 'Em I'm sure I could cajole my friends into playing with you. Be prepared for some strange topics of conversation, though. Last night our talk ran the gamut, from tea bagging and Shamwows to the upcoming Muppet movie and vampire-whale pornography. Um, don't ask.
Thanks for a good time last night, Chris, Connie, Matt X 2 and Misty!
Um...do you remember, um that one time, when you, um, won...like alot! And we all said...um...Good Job, Sarah!...cause that was AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteHey, my word validation thing for the last comment was "Burrily"
ReplyDeleteI like it.
I remember only one time in the past 4 years when I won more than $10, my dear sir. Those odds are horrible. I do appreciate the kudos, though.
ReplyDeletep.s. "a lot" is two words!
...two words...yeah, maybe for someone who has extra time on their hands.