Jason says "read this blog!"
Just when I'm about to sign the DNR papers for this blog something comes along and inspires me to write another post. One of these days Jason Segel will come to his senses and beg me to befriend him. I just hope he isn't waiting to see the 365th reason. It may take years.

365 Reasons Why...An Explanation

Well, hello there (said in a very sexy voice). You're looking quite lovely today. Welcome to my blog. Feel free to take off your shoes and get comfortable, maybe leave a comment or two. This started out as kind of a funny thing to do after I blew a phone conversation with Jason, but I've found I really enjoy writing every day and researching new and interesting things about my future BFF. In January I met Jason at a comedy club and the few words we shared only reinforced my belief that he and I would get along famously. As a dear friend of mine recently said, "why wouldn't he want to be friends with you - you're awesome!" Perhaps the 365 reasons in this blog may just convince Jason of what I already know to be true: separately, our awesomeness is great; combined, it may be enough to take over the world. If you want to be one of my esteemed followers, simply click on the 'follow' button toward the bottom of the page. Come on, you know you want to.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Reason 76

Love. I have worn my heart on my sleeve for as long as I can remember, despite the fact that the people I ache for usually tear that heart off and stomp all over it. I've grown a wee more discreet about my feelings over the years, but honesty seems to be at the core of who I am, which means I will always let someone know how I feel. This is especially true for my friends, who are often on the receiving end of "I love you." Ironically, I didn't hear those three little words much from my parents growing up, although I knew that they both thought I was the bee's knees, and even now, as an adult, I have a hard time telling my parents that I love them. I guess it's lucky for you then, Jason, that you are not my parent because once we're friends I won't hesitate to tell you how much I adore you. The music of James Taylor has inspired me for years and I have always believed in his wisdom that "everything will work out fine" if you just "shower the people you love with love." It seems simple, but that hopped up heroine addict was really onto something. So, dear readers, this Valentine's Day try to ignore the commercialism of the holiday, the overpriced chocolates and the nauseatingly happy couples strolling down the street, and simply let the people in your life know that you love them. And to you, Jason, I say thanks for bringing joy into my life. I really do love you, man.

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