Musical Catch Phrase. Now, I don't know what goes on at those wild Hollywood parties you attend, Jason, although based on reality TV I imagine a lot of drug snorting, partner swapping, hot tub time, and loud music. Well, the social gatherings I attend are a lot more tame, with people grazing from a table of treats, gabbing about their jobs and kids, and waiting with bated breath for the games to begin. For the past three years I have attended a ChristmaHannaKwanzaa party (I'm always bitter Solstice gets slighted) thrown by my incredible friend Tamara, who won't allow me to partake in the holiday festivities unless I have Musical Catch Phrase stashed in my purse, along with some hideous white elephant gift. A few hours into the party everyone splits into two teams, anxious to show off their musical knowledge and demolish their opponents in a game of guessing random song titles based on clues, humming or actual singing (which is my preference). Usually half of the attendees are music teachers, so there's a lot of pride riding on which team earns bragging rights and disgraces the other partygoers so that they return home to spend the rest of the night crying on their giant pillows. Yes, we're a wee bit cuthroat, but it's all in good fun (although the foot stomping, screaming and finger pointing may indicate otherwise). So, Jason, the next time you throw a wild party I'd be tickled to set up a game of Musical Catch Phrase once people come down from their highs and put on some clothes. I'd highly recommend you weasel your way onto my team because in all of the years I've played at Tamara's I have never lost, and I am not about to lose to a bunch of namby pamby celebrities who think "Party in the U.S.A." is the pinnacle of pop music. Game on, Seth Rogen. Prepare to be metaphorically slaughtered.
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