Vocational support. Like a well-made bra, Jason, I will support you and lift you up, both when you hit upon occupational success and when you encounter a few stumbling blocks in your career. Any time a movie of yours is released, whether on a handful of screens or in every megaplex in the country, I will fork over my hard-earned money to see it (although I'm not willing to cross state or national borders - my support is not unconditional). Today Get Him to the Greek, a buddy comedy that you happened to write, opened nationwide and, despite some of the over the top scenes and questionable jokes I've been exposed to in previews, I will support my future BFF by sacrificing two hours of my weekend to watch it. I might even pay full price, which, as you know, means a lot coming from such a frugal Franny as myself. I admit that my willingness to see this Russel Brand vehicle is bouyed by the 75% freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes and the 3-star review the notoriously picky Seattle Times critic doled out, but even if the flick was deemed the next Ishtar I would still check it out because that's what bosom buddies do. Besides, my local theater is pretty cozy, so I can always call upon my supernatural powers of napping if Jonah Hill puking on himself doesn't quite hold my attention.
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I stand corrected. Apparently Jason produced the movie, but did not write it, which is a good thing because during the showing all I could think was "Jason usually writes much funnier material than this." Yes, the movie has some good moments, but overall I was more impressed by the leftover nachos I had for lunch.