Jason says "read this blog!"
Just when I'm about to sign the DNR papers for this blog something comes along and inspires me to write another post. One of these days Jason Segel will come to his senses and beg me to befriend him. I just hope he isn't waiting to see the 365th reason. It may take years.

365 Reasons Why...An Explanation

Well, hello there (said in a very sexy voice). You're looking quite lovely today. Welcome to my blog. Feel free to take off your shoes and get comfortable, maybe leave a comment or two. This started out as kind of a funny thing to do after I blew a phone conversation with Jason, but I've found I really enjoy writing every day and researching new and interesting things about my future BFF. In January I met Jason at a comedy club and the few words we shared only reinforced my belief that he and I would get along famously. As a dear friend of mine recently said, "why wouldn't he want to be friends with you - you're awesome!" Perhaps the 365 reasons in this blog may just convince Jason of what I already know to be true: separately, our awesomeness is great; combined, it may be enough to take over the world. If you want to be one of my esteemed followers, simply click on the 'follow' button toward the bottom of the page. Come on, you know you want to.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Reason 195

Dating. Please indulge me a bit, Jason, while I rant about my love life, or rather, my lack thereof. See, I just returned from a first date that will never turn into a second one, and I am feeling somewhat discouraged. For the past few years I have dipped my toes into the pools of people hawking themselves at on-line dating sites and have been consistently disappointed with the temperature of the water. Definitely too tepid. My suspicion that intelligent, funny and single men in their late 20's and early 30's don't actually exist has been reinforced lately by the unique (for lack of a better word) men who have contacted me. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to a real winner, he's a married polyamorist who plays role-playing games in his spare time and would love to spend some time getting to know me. Not quite your thing? Well, how about the creepy massage therapist who can't construct a grammatically correct sentence? Still not sold? Then check out the twenty five year old (yep, seven years my junior) who relies heavily on text-speak and wants to chat, but can't come up with a single, coherent thing to say and is confused by my extremely mysterious user name (Word Nerd seems pretty self-explanatory to me, my friend). I have it from a very reliable source that I am not hideously unattractive, smell strange or come across as a psychopath to strangers, so I'm a tad flummoxed as to why the seemingly normal men I contact online never reply to my charming, well-written messages. Egad, do they see me as some creepy middle school teacher who is mildly obsessed with a sitcom star?! Perhaps I'll edit my profile as soon as I am done with this post. Whatever the reason for my anemic love life, Jason, I would love your help in finding someone who doesn't make me vomit upon first look, can carry on an intelligent conversation about a variety of issues, has a stable job, gets along with his family, and makes me laugh until I pee my pants. That really doesn't seem like too much to ask. So, please start writing a profile for me that will catch the eye of all the eligible men in Seattle. I can't pay you with anything more than delicious, mouth-watering cookies and eternal gratitude, so just think of it as a wonderful writing exercise that may possibly bring lifelong happiness (or at least a second date) to one of your dear friends. Now, get to work!


  1. Jason can't help. There are no eligible men in Seattle.

  2. Maybe he can find some in Los Angeles and ship them to me.
